Your children spend a lot of their time in school. When you send them off to school, you’re entrusting the institution with your most precious possession. You trust that your children will not only be educated but also be kept safe. It is earth shattering to learn that your child has been seriously injured while […]
How Car Accident Claims for Minors are Different
Car accidents are always distressing. The emotional anxiety is even worse when children are injured in the collision. Although car seats and other safety features enhance the safety of children when travelling by car, crashes involving children often feature serious injuries. Just as with adult passengers, children have the right to compensation when injured in […]
What to Do When Your Child has suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury
Who doesn’t want their child to grow up strong and healthy? All parents want their children to grow up and achieve their best potential. You work hard to ensure your children are provided with every opportunity to do this. For this and many other reasons, it can be devastating when your child suffers a traumatic […]