The first indoor trampoline park opened in 2004. Now there are hundreds worldwide. Most of them are in the U.S. If you’ve never seen a trampoline park, the site can be terrifying or irresistible, depending on your taste. They typically consist of a huge room with wall-to-wall connected trampolines, with angled trampolines for walls. Most feature a host of other activities, such as foam pits and dodgeball courts and basketball hoops and cater to adults as well as children. And as the popularity of trampoline parks grows, so does the number of serious injuries and deaths from trampoline park accidents.
Trampoline Park Injuries
A study released in 2016 by the American Academy of Pediatrics, found:
- There were approximately 6,932 emergency room visits for trampoline park injuries in 2014 compared to 581 in 2010.
- Sprains and fractures are the most common trampoline injuries both at home and in parks
- Head injuries are less likely at trampoline parks than when using a trampoline at home
- Trampoline park injuries are more likely to be serious enough to require hospitalization than those incurred on home trampolines
- Trampoline park injuries are more likely to be to the lower extremities but those requiring hospitalization included spinal cord injuries
Little Regulation
Trampoline parks are a fairly new phenomenon and there is very little regulation. Arizona and Michigan are the only states to pass trampoline park safety regulations so far, and a few other states are considering it.
If you or your child has been seriously injured at a trampoline park, or if someone you love has died from trampoline park injuries, you may be able to recover substantial compensation. To learn more about personal injury law and your rights, please, contact an experienced attorney today.